Measure the pink area as shown in the image (around the waist across the belly button on bare skin).
مجموعة FemiCushion EasyOpen Deluxe

Supporter Sizing Guide
We offer 3 different sizes for the FemiCushion supporter garment. Please measure yourself using the instructions below before placing your order.
Measure horizontally around the waist across the navel over bare skin. FemiCushion works best if the horizontal belt on the supporter fits over the waist. Depending on your figure, there may be some leftover fabric, but this does not affect its use.

Confirm the FemiCushion size that suits you after measuring your waist by referring to the sizing chart.

Because our supporter sizes overlap, be sure to carefully select the size based on your measurement.
1.Secure the cushion to the holder

2.Make sure all prolapsed organs are returned inside the body
3.Undo the supporter and remove surface faster tape
4.Position the cushion and holder to your body
5.Put on the supporter

6.Adjust the horizontal and vertical belts of the supporter

EasyOpen Deluxe Kit includes:
6 x Cushions (two small, two medium, two large)
3 x Washable Holders
1 x EasyOpen Supporter
1 x Cleaning Plug
Each EasyOpen Supporter can quickly be opened with one hand thanks to the velcro fastener in the front.
This model is highly recommended for those who need to quickly remove the supporter to go to the bathroom, those in nursing care, or those who require assisted living. The EasyOpen supporter features a high waisted waistline.
Supporter Material: Polyester 82% / Polyurethane 18%
دليل المقاسات:
الحجم الأول: 23.5in-31.5in / 60cm-80cm
الحجم الثاني: 27.5in-35.5in / 70cm-90cm
الحجم الثالث: 31.5in-39.5in + / 80cm-100cm +
* لمقاسات أخرى غير المذكورة ، من فضلك اتصل بنا.
FemiCushion هو حل غير جراحي لأعراض التدلي. يمكن للنساء اللواتي يرغبن في إصلاح تدليهن دون الحاجة إلى إجراء عملية جراحية استخدام FemiCushion للشعور بالراحة من أعراض التدلي. باستخدام وسادة سيليكون ناعمة ومرنة ، تحافظ FemiCushion بلطف على الأعضاء داخل الجسم. بمرور الوقت ، ستقل أعراض تدلّي الأعضاء بشكل كبير ، مما يسمح للنساء بالعودة إلى نمط حياة طبيعي ونشط.
تأتي كل مجموعة FemiCushion مع جميع العناصر الضرورية للمساعدة على الشعور بالراحة.
تتضمن مجموعة EasyOpen Deluxe:
6 × وسائد (اثنتان صغيرتان ، واثنتان متوسطتان ، واثنتان كبيرتان)
3 × حوامل قابلة للغسل
1 × مؤيد EasyOpen
1 × قابس التنظيف
يمكن فتح كل داعم EasyOpen بسرعة بيد واحدة بفضل قفل الفيلكرو في المقدمة.
يوصى بهذا النموذج بشدة لأولئك الذين يحتاجون إلى إزالة الداعم بسرعة للذهاب إلى الحمام ، أو أولئك الذين في رعاية التمريض ، أو أولئك الذين يحتاجون إلى مساعدة المعيشة.
مواد الداعم:بوليستر 82٪ / بولي يوريثين 18٪
شحن مجاني لجميع أنحاء العالم!
لايت أم ديلوكس؟ | قليل الدسم | ديلوكس |
يخفف التدلي | ✓ | ✓ |
وسائد | 3 | 6 |
حوامل | 3 | 3 |
خيارات نوع الداعم | EasyZip | EasyZip أو EasyOpen |
السعر (شحن مجاني) | $249.99 | $299.99 |
The delivery was speedy, especially considering the great distance involved. The items were very nicely packaged and exactly as shown on Femcushion’s web site. The directions on usage, cleaning, and fitting were clearly detailed and accompanied by easily understood diagrams. This item has proved to be fairly comfortable to wear and care for and does reduce the onerous pull of gravity on the pelvis area. I would like to suggest that the design of the item could be improved by adding a Long Inseam item choice in sizing, whereby the inseam is longer for tall, slim individuals. As it is now, the item sits too low and presents a problem with the hip support belts continually slipping off of very slim hips.
FemiCushion EasyOpen Deluxe Kit
Thank you for developing this. I am waiting for surgery and this is providing relief and the ability to walk around and be productive again. Pressaries didn’t work for me and I was ready to give up, but then found this product online. I use the medium cushion and easy open support panties. They are wonderful. Thank you so much.
FemiCushion EasyOpen Deluxe Kit
Much better fit than the zip