Choosing the Best Prolapse Support Garment

While some doctors may consider pessaries or surgery the preferred medical treatments for pelvic organ prolapse, many women worry that these options will actually lead to further complications and unwanted side effects. Today, more and more prolapse sufferers are finding hope in improving their condition by turning to non-invasive feminine support garments.
With several options available, it can be hard to choose the best one for your condition.
What to Consider When Buying a Prolapse Support Garment
Looking through forum discussions, scientific papers, and FemiCushion UK customer reviews, we found that there are four factors that should be considered when buying a prolapse support garment: comfort, support, relief, and discreteness.

- Comfort
Support undergarments - whether prolapse pants, support knickers, support belts, or prolapse underwear - should be comfortable enough to be worn all day. Prolapse garments should not only be effective when you are sitting, but also when you are active - walking, exercising, doing chores - or any other work where you stand for long periods at a time. Because of this, it is important to look for a flexible support garment.
Not only must materials be comfortable, but it needs to be gentle on the skin. While some bulkier support garments are designed to be worn over underwear, others can be worn instead of underwear. These types of feminine prolapse garments should be made from high-quality materials, like cotton, that won’t irritate sensitive skin.
Another important consideration for comfort is the support garment’s waistband. An effective garment should go over the hips to provide enough support, but it should not feel too tight around the stomach or press against the abdomen, which can cause discomfort.
Comfort Checklist:
- Made with flexible materials
- Will not irritate the skin
- Does not feel restrictive

- Support
If you are one of countless women who have used a pessary for prolapse, you know the downside of a pessary is that it can be uncomfortable. However, a well-designed prolapse garment will offer the right balance of comfort and support. It should provide full pelvic support and relieve the discomfort of “something falling out” or feeling “a bulge.” Full support like this can only be accomplished with a garment specifically created to treat pelvic organ prolapse.
Because support garments are a relatively new treatment option, it is unlikely that you will find them at your local chemist’s shop. Many women end up considering ineffective compression underwear and shapewear like Spanx as an immediate solution simply because they don’t know that there are professionally designed prolapse undergarments available online.
Important: Because prolapsed organs cannot be supported by a smooth surface, it is unlikely you will feel relief from a garment (like shapewear) that isn’t designed to gently push your pelvic organs back to the correct positions.
Lastly, every woman’s prolapse is different in both severity (Stage I–IV) and type (cystocele, enterocele, rectocele, uterine prolapse, vaginal vault prolapse). It is important to choose a prolapse support garment that is designed to treat the severity and type of pelvic organ prolapse you have been diagnosed with.
Support Checklist:
- Designed to specifically treat prolapse
- Designed to push your pelvic organs back to their correct positions
- Designed to treat your prolapse severity and type

- Relief
With the right prolapse support, it is possible to find relief not only from physical prolapse symptoms like pain, discomfort, bleeding, urinary leakage, and discharge, but also the anxiety and frustration that come with having prolapse.
Some symptoms may not be noticeable to others, but going out in public can cause additional stress if you struggle with urinary leakage or discharge. In cases like this, it is best to look for a support undergarment with reusable or disposable pad inserts. You may not need disposable pads if you can wash the garment daily; but if you aren’t able to regularly clean it, disposable pads can greatly improve your lifestyle and end the fear of embarrassing accidents in public.
Relief Checklist:
- Alleviates prolapse symptoms
- Includes reusable or disposable pad options

- Discreteness
Pelvic organ prolapse can be embarrassing for many women and is oftentimes very difficult to discuss with others. If you want to keep your condition private, it is important that any prolapse garment you use provides discrete support that will remain unnoticed by others.
Consider a support garment that can be comfortably worn with most or all of your clothing. You don’t want a prolapse garment that can be seen underneath their clothes, even when wearing loose-fitting pants.
Garments for prolapse support should also be easy to put on and remove, ensuring that you are able to quickly use the restroom without disruptions while you are out of your home. If you struggle with fine motor skills, look for a garment that is designed to be easily used with limited movement.
Relief Checklist:
- Can be worn with many types of clothing
- Easy to put on and take off
The Most Effective Prolapse Garment on the Market

FemiCushion is specifically designed to meet the 4 essential needs women should look for in a prolapse support garment: comfort, support, relief, and discreteness. But it is more than just a prolapse support garment. FemiCushion also features a unique silicone cushion that gently keeps your prolapsed organs in your body - a patented design that no other prolapse underwear, belt, pants, or support knickers offer.
FemiCushion Is Comfortable
FemiCushion’s garment supporter is made with high-quality natural and synthetic materials that do not irritate. In addition to the fabric, FemiCushion features a patented prolapse cushion made from medical-grade silicone that is gentle on skin.
FemiCushion Supports Your Prolapsed Organs
FemiCushion was specifically designed to provide prolapse sufferers with an alternative to current medical treatment options. Many support garments claim to be effective against prolapse, but only FemiCushion is designed to gently press prolapsed organs into your body.
A 2016 independent study on FemiCushion by the Pelviperineology Journal found that it was “effective in the reduction of symptoms and impact in Quality of Life caused by pelvic organ prolapse … the final assessment was performed after three months of daily FemiCushion use. Participants reported improvement in vaginal symptoms, mainly regarding lower abdomen pain, descending lump and visualization of lump."[1]
FemiCushion Provides Relief
The problem with most prolapse undergarments is that they are not very effective due to the fact that smooth surfaces don’t support prolapsed organs. Because of this, many women use pessaries that can cause pain and bleeding. FemiCushion is a prolapse treatment that combines the simplicity of underwear and the benefits of a non-invasive pessary.
FemiCushion also provides emotional relief if your prolapse symptoms include urinary incontinence. Washable cushion holders are included with the kit, but disposable holders are available for sale separately and can absorb more than 100cc of urine. This is a great option if you enjoy travelling or are too worried to leave the house.
FemiCushion is Discrete
FemiCushion is meant to be worn against the skin, so it has been designed to look, fit, and feel like underwear. This means that you can wear your regular clothes without worrying about the support garment showing through.
Also, FemiCushion offers a choice of three garment designs. Each design incorporates different methods of putting the garment on and removing it, making it easy to use in public no matter what your mobility needs might be.
- Standard Supporter: The Standard Supporter features flexible fabric that easily conforms to all body types, and a high-waist design that firmly yet gently wraps around the stomach.
- EasyOpen Supporter: The EasyOpen Supporter features a Velcro fastener that can quickly be opened with one hand.
- EasyZip Supporter: The EasyZip Supporter is made of cotton and can be opened and closed in the front with a zipper. It’s very easy and comfortable to wear. The waistband is thinner than the EasyOpen design, while still providing support.
How FemiCushion Works
FemiCushion is rated as an FDA Class 1 (1st grade) Medical Device. What makes it more effective than other prolapse support garments is the combination of 3 separate components that work together to gently push your pelvic organs back to their correct positions inside of your body.
The Cushion: The most important component of the FemiCushion kit, the cushion gently holds the prolapsed organs in the body. The extremely soft surface is made of 100% medical-grade silicone.
- The Supporter: Adjusting the width and length of the belt brings the cushion closer to the vaginal opening and plays an important role in keeping the cushion in a secured position. You can choose the size and type of supporter design when placing your order.
- The Holder: The reusable holder absorbs any urine or discharge. You can set the cushion and secure it within the holder to prevent it from moving around or entering into the vagina. Because it's made of cloth, you can wash and use it repeatedly. Disposable holders are also available for purchase separately for those who deal with a lot of urine leakage.
Note: The cushion and holder are not designed to work with other commercially available prolapse supporters, knickers, underwear, or girdles. To ensure effective use, please use only official garment supporters designed to work with FemiCushion.
Prolapse Garments Are Only as Effective as Their Design

Oftentimes, relief from your symptoms goes hand in hand with having the right support. Women who have used a well-designed prolapse garment have reported feeling normal again and being able to stop worrying about their condition. Whichever prolapse support garment you choose, it should provide instant at-home relief from symptoms, so you can return to a more active lifestyle. Pelvic organ prolapse should not prevent you from living the way you want and continuing your daily activities. Shop the perfect FemiCushion supporter for you here.
Disclaimer: The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only.