For many people, the thought of surgery for organ prolapse is scary. It is a big decision that requires careful consideration between the patient and doctor. Both parties need to weigh out all the factors and possibilities to decide what is the best step to take.
To treat pelvic organ prolapse, there are two types of surgeries that doctors may suggest: closing part of or all of the vagina (obliterative) or repairing the pelvic floor or organ placement (reconstructive). Factors like age, future family plans, and current health conditions can help determine which surgery is better fit - or if having surgery is even an option.
Transvaginal mesh surgery is another type of surgery to relieve pelvic organ prolapse. Mesh is used to reinforce the vaginal wall between the prolapsed organs by opening the vagina with incisions and inserting a mesh sheet. However, there are many complications that can arise after having this surgery, including erosion, mesh extrusion, perforation, infection, bleeding, pain during intercourse, and urinary problems. As of April 2019, the FDA had ordered manufacturers of vaginal mesh to stop its distribution. The reason for this is because vaginal mesh does not demonstrate sufficient effectiveness and safety. Learn more here.
Since pelvic organ prolapse is not a life-threatening condition, it may be in your best interest to search for other options before deciding on surgery. To help you better understand, let's take a look at prolapse surgery pros and cons.
The Pros of Prolapse Surgery
Improved Placement of Pelvic Organs - Undergoing surgery significantly improves the placement of pelvic organs, which results in the elimination of symptoms caused by the pelvic organ prolapse.
No Need for Pessary - Obliterative and reconstructive pelvic organ prolapse surgery eliminates the need for ring pessaries. A pessary is a medical device that is inserted in the vagina to prevent organs from sinking further down.
The Cons of Prolapse Surgery
High Risk - Every surgery comes with its own set of risks no matter the success rate of the surgery or the skills of the surgeon. Pelvic organ prolapse surgeries come with high risks, which include surgical complications like infections or bleeding. More issues - like pelvic pain or urinary incontinence - can also be caused by surgery. Lastly, undergoing surgery does not guarantee long-term effectiveness.
Long Recovery Time - Just because the prolapse surgery was a success doesn’t mean that you will no longer feel pain or discomfort. Undergoing surgery requires hospitalization and it can take several weeks to fully recover.
High Cost - Surgery is not cheap; it can cost from $6,000 up to $9,000, not including additional doctor appointment fees or hospitalization fees. Not every woman has the financial freedom to afford the price of surgery.
Loss of Sexual Function with Obliterative Surgery - Most patients who undergo obliterative surgery are women who no longer desire to preserve their sexual function as it requires the closure of all or part of the vagina. This also means that women who want children in the future will not want this surgery.
The Non-Surgical Solution
If you are looking for a non-invasive but effective alternative to organ prolapse surgery, we have you covered. FemiCushion is an innovative medical device to treat pelvic organ prolapse that has been in the market for over 10 years. We have been helping women all across the world who suffer from pelvic organ prolapse. It is designed not only to treat, but also to prevent all types of pelvic organ prolapse symptoms caused by uterine prolapse, bladder prolapse (cystocele), enterocele, and rectocele. This treatment method is gentle, but effective in avoiding all of the side effects associated with undergoing prolapse surgery or using a pessary.
Don’t let your pelvic organ prolapse control your life - find out how you can live worry free with FemiCushion.
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